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通房发[2004]38号 分类: 时间:20040309
分类:?????? 时间:20170306
The Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Desiring to conclude an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, Have agreement as fo...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
.aspx?FamilyID=d91995d9-6840-4aa0-961b-42a7c5aa2cb3&DisplayLang=zh-cn 如果安装MDAC后问题仍未解决,使用windows xp sp2操作系统的用户,可以下载最新的Main.exe,覆盖原文件。其他情况,建议重新安装操作系统。 2.职工基本...
分类:上海市税收政策法规 时间:20110928
分类:专家答疑 时间:20120113
...本规定自1994年1月1日起执行。 NOTICE ON PRINTING AND ISSUING STIPULATIONS CONCERNING SOMESPECIFIC ISSUES RELATED TO CONSUMPTION TAX(State Administration of Taxation: 28 December 1993 Guo Shui Fa(1993) No. 156) Whole Doc. To tax bur...
分类:消费税 时间:20000101
The Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, Have agreed as fol...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...长签发。 (二)办理复文要按问题的解决程度,用A、B、C、D标注出办理结果(注在复文首页右上角)。所提问题已经解决或基本解决的,用“A”标明;所提问题正在解决或列入规划逐步解决的,用“B”标明;所提问题因目前条件...
郑政办文[2006]19号 分类: 时间:20060325
漯政办[2007]59号 分类: 时间:20070514
分类:?????? 时间:20160224