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提出如下问题:问题: 1、2006年重庆公司A与湖北公司B签订土地出让合同,并已全额收取土地款,因官司问题土地被查封无法进行交易,宜昌国资委2015年出函因官司导致土地无法过户取消该笔交易,...
分类: 时间:20160216
一、单选 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案 B A D A B D A C 1. 下列支出中,可以从应纳税所得额中据实扣除的是( ) A 建造固定资产过程中向银行借款的利息 B ...
分类:测试题 时间:20131223
一、单选 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案 A B B B C D C A 1. 中国A公司,为高新技术企业,2008年实现税前利润800万元,当年该公司发生研究开发费用100万元,没有形成无形资产...
分类:测试题 时间:20120203
提出如下问题: 一、A公司通过拍卖方收购B公司,请问 1.发票是由哪方提供给A公司入帐? 2.A公司需要缴纳哪几项税款?(是缴在B公司所辖税务局还是A公司税务局) 二、A公司股东收购B公司: 1.A公司股东收购B公司后,将收购后的资产...
分类:专家答疑 时间:20190327
...>A公司和B公司共同组建C公司,注册资金2亿元。A公司出资1.4亿(固定资产2亿元、存货1亿元、负债1.6亿元)占公司70%股份,B公司现金出资6000万元占30%股份。公司成立后A公司将全部股份以2亿元转让给B公司。 请问老师:1...
分类:专家答疑 时间:20090608
...respect to taxes on income and on capital Have agreed as follows:Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capi...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
分类:专家答疑 时间:20060523
...s on income, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1.This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...s on income, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. The existing taxes to which this Agreement s...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...s on income, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. The existing taxes to which this Agreement s...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101