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...s on income, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on incom...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
Article 14 Income from Dependent Professional Services 1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 15, 17, 18, 19 and 20,salaries, wages, and other similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment shall be taxable only in that ...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
... on capital, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on incom...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...报告》和《资产评估报告》初稿。请教以下问题: 1、A公司将应收账款、其他应收款出售给B公司时,按该两项资产账面价值70%(经《资产评估报告》认定)定价。 2、 A公司将库存按账面价值出售给B公司时,A公司...
分类:专家答疑 时间:20110314
...s on income, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. The existing taxes to which this Agreement s...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...准,将C、D公司股权划转到甲公司 ,股权交割日为2009年12月10日。 一、甲公司 1、账务处理分录 借: 长期股权投资(资本公积+股权划转过程中的费用) 贷:资本公积(按照A公司股权交割日最近一期2009年12月...
分类:专家答疑 时间:20100824
...zfdetail_553474.html" target="_self">国家税务总局所得税司关于2016年度企业研究开发费用税前加计扣除企业所得税纳税申报有关问题的通知》(税总所便函[2017]5号)《国家税务...
分类:?????? 时间:20170222
...n income, Have agreement as follows: Article 1 Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on incom...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
分类:专家答疑 时间:20100701
分类:专家答疑 时间:20140406