
查看全部 国家法规(55) 答疑库(2) 地方法规(1)

11. 国家税务总局关于从事室内外装修、装璜或室内设施安装调试业务范围认定的批复(附英文) [36%]

... DEBUGGING  (State Administration of Taxation: 6 July 1994 Coded Guo Shui HanFa[1994]No. 389)  Whole Doc.  To the Shanxi Provincial Tax Bureau:  The Xian Municipal Tax Bureau of your province asked the question as to whether the stipulations ...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

12. 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业从事“来料加工”、“进料加工”及生产销售国际中标产品税收问题的通知(附英文) [36%]

...ODUCTS  (State Administration of Taxation: 7 November 1994 Coded Guo ShuiFa[1994]No. 239)  Whole Doc.  To the state tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the state tax bureaus of various cities with independent plann...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

13. 国家税务总局关于印制外国公司有关船舶运输税收情况报告表格的通知 [35%]

...s. place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a resident for tax purposes. 填表说明    一、本表适用于根...

国税函[2002]384号 分类:营业税 时间:20050114

14. 国家税务总局关于印制外国公司有关船舶运输税收情况报告表格的通知 [35%]

...s. place of head office or effective management: the full address and post code in the country of taxpayer being a resident for tax purposes. 填表说明    一、本表适用于根...

国税函[2002]384号 分类:外企所得税 时间:20050114

15. 财政部 国家税务总局关于财税[2003]16号文件执行时间有关问题的通知 [35%]


财税[2004]206号 分类:营业税 时间:20050114

16. 国家税务总局关于个人所得税有关政策衔接问题的通知(附英文) [35%]

...NCOME TAX  (State Administration of Taxation: 8 March 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 045)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent planning ...

分类:个人所得税 时间:20000101

17. 财政部 国家税务总局关于钾肥增值税有关问题的通知 [35%]

...监察专员办事处按照(94)财预字第55号文件的规定办理。    请遵照执行。财政部 国家税务总局          二...

财税[2004]197号 分类:增值税 时间:20050114

18. 国家税务总局关于已取消和下放的企业所得税审批事项衔接问题的通知 [35%]


国税函[2004]963号 分类:企业所得税 时间:20050114

19. 国家税务总局关于由税务所为小规模企业代开增值税专用发票的通知(附英文) [34%]

...S  (The State Administration of Taxation: 15 March 1994 Coded GuoShui Fa[1994]No. 058)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent planning:...

分类:增值税 时间:20000101

20. 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业出口货物有关政策问题的函(附英文) [34%]

...STMENT  (State Administration of Taxation: 12 October 1994 Coded Guo ShuiHan Fa[1994]No. 558)  Whole Doc.  To Jiangsu Provincial State Tax Bureau:  We have recently acknowledged the receipt of letters written to Director Liu Zhongli by F...

分类:进出口税 时间:20000101