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...ishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or Article 13, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. A resident of China who receives dividends paid by a company which is a resident of France may claim a refund of the prepayment (précompte) relating to those French div...
分类:税收协定 时间:20051121
...ishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or Article 13, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. Where a company which is a resident of a Contracting State derives profits or income from the other Contracting State, that other State may not impose any tax on the dividends pai...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
... being had to the other provisions of this Agreement. Article 13 CAPITAL GAINS 1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Sta...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...上) 12 剧毒物品运输证费 (同上) 13 犬类禁养区管理费 (同上) 14 户口准迁证费 省物价局粤价费(1)函[1994]57号 15 机动车驾驶员考试费 省物价局粤价费(1)函[1993]33号 16 机...
粤价[1998]112号 分类: 时间:19980420
...子邮件或提供软盘的方式报送。报送地址:市政府一号楼13楼11305室,联系电话:5530735(兼传真),E -ail:caozhuang sohu.com。 七、应急处置 (一)应急预案的补充完善 为做好“中国-东盟博览会...
南府办[2004]186号 分类: 时间:20040921
...r> 《广州市社会事业发展“十一五”规划》已经第13届7次市政府常务会议原则同意,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行中遇到的问题,请径向市发改委反映。 广州市人民政府办公厅 二○○七年六月十...
穗府办[2007]20号 分类: 时间:20070612
...P class=style1 align=center>Article 13 Capital Gains 1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contra...
分类:税收协定 时间:20051121
... being had to the other provisions of this Agreement. Article 13 CAPITAL GAINS 1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in t...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...ishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or Article 13, as the case may be, shall apply. 5. Where a company which is a resident of a Contracting State derives profits or income from the other Contracting State, that other Contracting State may not impose any ta...
分类:税收协定 时间:20051121
... being had to the other provisions of this Agreement. Article 13 Capital Gains 1. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in the other Contracting State may be taxed in t...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101