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... 备 注 金杯牌 1 SY6480<em>Aem>C-E 2002年 轻型客车 2 SY6480<em>Aem>1BG-E(P) 1月1日 (P)代表普通配置 (SY6480<em>Aem>-E) SY6480<em>Aem>1BG-E(H) (H)代表...
财税[2003]219号 分类:消费税 时间:20000101
...(1个)附 表01中国行政区域(56个)01<em>Aem>华北(6个)北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古01B东北(4个)辽宁 吉林 黑龙江01C华东(8个)上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东01D中南(7个)河...
国税发[2004]133号 分类:税务文书 时间:20000101
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of C<em>aem>n<em>aem>d<em>aem>, Desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income, H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greed <em>aem>s follows: <em>Aem>rtic...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...照小型微利企业享受“六税两费”减免优惠。 例1:<em>Aem>公司于2020年6月成立,9月1日登记为增值税一般纳税人。2021年5月,<em>Aem>公司办理了2020年度的汇算清缴申报,结果确定是小型微利企业。<em>Aem>公司于2022年4月征期申报2022年1-3月的“...
分类:黑龙江省税收政策法规 时间:20220407
...附件4以及附件5中的《个人所得税经营所得纳税申报表(<em>Aem>表)》同时废止。 特此公告。 附件:1.个人所得税年度自行纳税申报表(<em>Aem>表)(简易版)(问答版)ff9455e.doc 2.个人所得税年度自行纳税申报表(B表...
国家税务总局公告2019年第46号 分类:个人所得税 时间:20200101
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherl<em>aem>nds, Desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income, H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greement <em>aem>s fo...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd The Government of the St<em>aem>te of Kuw<em>aem>it, desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income <em>aem>nd c<em>aem>pit<em>aem>l. H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greed <em>aem>s follows:...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd The Government of the Feder<em>aem>tive Republic of Br<em>aem>zil, Desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income, H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greed <em>aem>s follows:
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
The Government of the Republic of Indonesi<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem>, DESIRING to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income, H<em>Aem>VE <em>Aem>GREED <em>Aem>S FOLLOWS:...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...税和防止偷漏税的协定议定书 PROTOCOL <em>Aem>t the signing of the <em>Aem>greement between the Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of Ukr<em>aem>ine for the <em>Aem>void<em>aem>nce of Double T<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the Prevention of Fisc<em>aem>l Ev<em>aem>sion with respect to T<em>aem>xes on Income ...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101