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...ithin a reasonable perio<em>dem> of time after such changes. Article 3 General <em>Dem>efinitions 1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) the term "Australia", when use<em>dem> in a geographical sense, exclu<em>dem>es all external territories other tha...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...movable property, as well as taxes on capital appreciation. 3.The existing taxes to which the Agreement shall apply are : (a) in the Russian Fe<em>dem>eration, taxes impose<em>dem> in accor<em>dem>ance with the following laws: (i)"On taxes on profits of enterprises ...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...会保险费政策实施范围等问题的通知》(人社部发〔2022〕31号)要求,着力保市场主体保就业保民生,在落实《山西省人力资源和社会保障厅 国家税务总局山西省税务局关于特困行业阶段性实施缓缴企业社会保险费政策有关问题的...
晋人社厅发[2022]47号 分类:山西省税收政策法规 时间:20220621
...)、纳税服务中心、县局: 现将苏地税函[2006]33号《江苏省地方税务局转发《国家税务总局关于加强外籍人员个人所得税档案资料管理的通知》转发给你们,同时根据国税发[2005]205号《个人所得税全员全额扣缴申报...
宁地税发[2006]120号 分类: 时间:20060612
...产品的扣除率可按以下公式计算: 1993年购进免税农业产品 1993年购进非免税农业产品的 的实际采购成本×10% + 实施采购成本×14% 扣除率=────────────...
大国税发[1997]222号—2 分类:大连市税收政策法规 时间:20060417
...目洽谈会。(由省经委牵头,省国资委配合) 3.举办现代制造业、石化、农产品加工、现代中药和生物制药、光电子信息等高新技术、能源、冶金、新型建材、纺织、旅游等十大产业项目洽谈及签约仪式。(由省发展...
吉政办发[2005]18号 分类: 时间:20050429
... (hereinafter referre<em>dem> to as "Malaysian tax")。 3.This Agreement shall also apply to any i<em>dem>entical or substantially similar taxes which are impose<em>dem> after the <em>dem>ate of signature of this Agreement in a<em>dem><em>dem>ition to, or in place of, the existing taxes referre<em>dem> to in paragraph...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...保证淬透性齿轮用钢 西宁特殊钢股份有限公司 3、“功勋”牌铁路货车滚动轴承用渗碳轴承钢 西宁特殊钢股份有限公司 4、“海湖”牌重熔用铝锭 中国铝业股份有限公司青海分公司 5、(商标为图案...
青政[2004]65号 分类: 时间:20040902
...三级: 三级危险化学品事故:指造成一次死亡3—9人的重大危险化 学品事故; 二级危险化学品事故:指造成一次死亡10—29人的特大危险化学品事故; 一级危险化学品事故:指造成一次死亡30人(含...
兰政办发[2006]84号 分类: 时间:20060522
...movable property, as well as taxes on capital appreciation. 3. The existing taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are: (a) in the case of Romania: (i) the tax on income <em>dem>erive<em>dem> by in<em>dem>ivi<em>dem>uals an<em>dem> corporate bo<em>dem>ies; (ii) the t...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101