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...请的单位必须按37号文第九条的要求提供申报材料,并用<em>Aem>4纸按顺序装订成册。其中,申请报告必须严格按照37号文附件1内容要求进行撰写。 (四)对于2010年以前认定,并已超过有效期的管理咨询、市场开拓、综合服务、创...
粤中小企函[2012]58号 分类:广东省税收政策法规 时间:20120829
...供热方式 供冷方式 联系人 联系电话 调查时间 <em>Aem> B C D E F G 1 2 H I J K L 各工程按街道(镇)行政区划分逐项填写 单位负责人: 负责人: 填...
琼建设[2007]187号 分类: 时间:20070925
The government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of the Russi<em>aem>n Feder<em>aem>tion, Desiring to promote the development of economic, scientific,technic<em>aem>l <em>aem>nd cultur<em>aem>l cooper<em>aem>tion between both St<em>aem>tes <em>aem>nd to conclude <em>aem>nd <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tio...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...位:&<em>aem>mp;nbsp; 2010年1月15日,国际会计准则理事会(I<em>Aem>SB)发布了《〈国际会计准则第&<em>aem>mp;nbsp;37号——准备、或有负债和或有资产〉中的负债计量(征求意见稿)》(以下简称负债计量征求意见稿),作为I<em>Aem>SB设立的I<em>Aem>S37改进项目的...
财会便[2010]19号 分类:综合税收政策 时间:20100510
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of the Czechoslov<em>aem>k Soci<em>aem>list Republic Desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>Aem>void<em>aem>nce of double T<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the Prevention of Fisc<em>aem>l Ev<em>aem>sion with Respect to T<em>aem>xes on Income, H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greed <em>aem>s fol...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
分类:专家答疑 时间:20110627
The Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of J<em>aem>p<em>aem>n, Desiring to conclude <em>aem>n <em>Aem>greement for the <em>aem>void<em>aem>nce of double t<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd the prevention of fisc<em>aem>l ev<em>aem>sion with respect to t<em>aem>xes on income, H<em>aem>ve <em>aem>greed <em>aem>s follows: <em>Aem>rticl...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
分类:财会法规 时间:20120214
...容: (一)粮库仓容基本情况年报表(国粮仓<em>Aem>表)。 (二)粮库分仓型仓容年报表(国粮仓B表)。 (三)粮库简易储粮及中转设施年报表(国粮仓C表)。 (四)粮库机械设备年报表(...
京粮发[2003]141号 分类: 时间:20030728
...·里陶丁(签字) PROTOCOL <em>Aem>t the signing of the <em>Aem>greement between the Government of the People's Republic of Chin<em>aem> <em>aem>nd the Government of M<em>aem>l<em>aem>ysi<em>aem> for the <em>Aem>void<em>aem>nce of Double T<em>aem>x<em>aem>tion <em>aem>nd Prevention of Fisc<em>aem>l Ev<em>aem>sion with respect to T<em>aem>xes on Income (he...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101