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The Government of the People's Republic of China an<em>dem> the Government of Romania, <em>dem>esiring to promote an<em>dem> strengthen the economic relations between the two countries on the basis of respecting the principles of national sovereignty an<em>dem> in<em>dem>epen<em>dem>ence, equality in rights, mutual benefit an<em>dem> n...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...证据,追查或监控有关嫌疑人员,防止逃匿; <em>dem>.市安监、环保、卫生、建设等有关部门应做好抢险救援配合工作; e.具体应急救援预案由市公安局负责制定。 2.危险化学品引发的火灾事故,由市...
兰政办发[2006]84号 分类: 时间:20060522
The Government of the People's Republic of China an<em>dem> the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, <em>Dem>esiring to conclu<em>dem>e an Agreement for the avoi<em>dem>ance of <em>dem>ouble taxation an<em>dem> the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, Have agree<em>dem> as fol...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...材料,由财会部门保管一年后整理立卷归档。 <em>Dem>、物业产权人和使用人档案应随物业产权人的变化随时立卷归档。 E、基本建设工程方面的文件材料,开发建设单位在项目竣工验收后30日内,应向前期物业管理...
大房局发[2000]93号 分类: 时间:20001113
苏建工[2002]365号 分类: 时间:20021114
...档次,用文字和字母表示,分为优(A)、良(B)、中(C)、低(<em>Dem>)、差(E)五种类型。 评价级别是对每种类型再划分级次,以体现同一评价类型的不同差异,采用在字母后重复标注该字母的方式表示。 第二十七条 绩效...
财金[2016]35号 分类:???????? 时间:20160809
...《国有土地使用证》或其他土地权来源证明; <em>Dem>、建筑总面积,每套(户)建筑面积、位置及户主名单; E、其他应当提交的资料。 (2)房屋所有权人应提交:户主身份证明;《房屋所有权证》及其...
郑政[2003]14号 分类: 时间:20030729
...)。 附件: 1.相关承诺书示范文本f88844211559bb78601<em>dem>45ea<em>dem>7027f07.<em>dem>oc 2.代理记账行政审批事项告知承诺办理流程图e817805<em>dem>c1f<em>dem>b256b56459097866c82b.<em>dem>oc
桂财会[2021]26号 分类:广西省税收政策法规 时间:20210820
The Government of the Republic of In<em>dem>onesia an<em>dem> the Government of the People's Republic of China, <em>Dem>ESIRING to conclu<em>dem>e an Agreement for the avoi<em>dem>ance of <em>dem>ouble taxation an<em>dem> the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, HAVE AGREE<em>Dem> AS FOLLOWS:...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
The Government of the People's Republic of China an<em>dem> the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, <em>dem>esiring to promote an<em>dem> <em>dem>eepen the economic cooperation between the People's Republic of China an<em>dem> the People's Republic of Bulgaria in accor<em>dem>ance with the principle of equality an<em>dem> mutu...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101