
查看全部 国家法规(79) 地方法规(474) 其它法规(49)

41. 商务部公告2011年第45号 关于原产于欧盟、美国和日本的进口相纸产品反倾销调查初步裁定的公告 [23%]

...其他欧盟公司 26.8%      (All Others)      2.美国公司:      (1)富士胶片制造(美国)有限公司 18.2%      (FUJIFILM&n...

商务部公告2011年第45号 分类:财会法规 时间:20110812

42. 商务部2007年第81号公告--关于对原产于日本、台湾地区和新加坡的进口甲乙酮反倾销调查的终裁决 [23%]

... Ltd .)  9.6%    3.其他日本公司(All Others)  66.4%    台湾地区公司  25.0%    新加坡公司  17.0%    三、征收反倾销税的方法    自2007年11月22日...

商务部2007年第81号公告 分类:最新财税政策 时间:20071121

43. 全国会计专业技术资格考试领导小组办公室关于2017年度全国会计专业技术中高级资格考试考务日程安排及有关事项的通知 [21%]

...p: break-word;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 15px;padding: 0px;transition: all 0.2s linear 0s;color: rgb(51, 51, 51);font-family: 宋体, 'Microsoft Yahei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, tahoma, arial, Verdana, sans-serif, 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei', 宋...

会考[2016]24号 分类:????? 时间:20170106

44. 国家税务总局关于经济特区征免流转税问题的通知(附英文) [20%]

...mption tax is levied on consumer goods according to regulations, are all exempt from VAT.  II. For units and individuals in special economic zones who are engaged in processing, repair and maintenance labor or in selling wholesale or retail goods to units or indivi...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

45. 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则第七十二条有关项目解释的通知(附英文) [20%]

...ange the forms, properties and components of the original commodities all belong to engaging in the commodity sales business and should not be designated as productive enterprise with foreign investment, For example:enterprises which engage in purchasing or importing complete sets ...

分类:外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 时间:20000101

46. 中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干法规(附英文) [20%]

...mic order Article 2  Capital put up for the joint venture shall, according to the provisions of the joint venture contracts, be cash owned by the joint venture partners, or contributions made in kind which have not been used as security for guarantee purposes, industrial prope...

分类: 时间:20000101

47. 国家税务总局关于外国驻华使、领馆人员征免车船使用牌照税的有关规定继续有效的通知(附英文) [20%]

...rsonnel of foreign embassies and consulates in China who are exempt from all direct local taxes and levies and the exemption of vehicle and shipping license fees on public-use vehicles for embassies

分类:车船税 时间:20000101

48. 国家税务总局退还外商投资企业改征增值税、消费税、营业税后多缴税款如何计算征收企业所得税问题的通知(附英文) [19%]

...ing enterprise income tax:  For the refunded tax payment actually received by a enterprise with foreign investment, the extra tax payments, no matter to which year they belong, shall all be included in the enterprise's taxable income amount in the year the tax reimbursement ...

分类:企业所得税 时间:20000101

49. 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业出口货物税收问题的通知(附英文) [19%]

...rted by the state include natural bezoar, musk, bronze and acid bronze alloy, platinum;  (3) Sugar.  II. The goods produced by enterprise with foreign investment which are sold to domestic export-oriented enterprises or whose export is entrusted to the l...

分类:进出口税 时间:20000101

50. 国家税务总局关于外国或港、澳、台非航空运输企业以包机从事国际运输业务有关税收问题的通知(附英文) [19%]

... income from transporting goods and income from overweight luggage, shall all pay taxes in China, in Chinese mainland according to law irrespective of whether they sell tickets or performing the procedures for  carrying  and transporting in China and the C...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101