
查看全部 国家法规(29) 答疑库(10) 地方法规(14) 其它(1)

41. 南斯拉夫[YUGOSLAVIA] [9%]

...\&quo<em>tem>;&g<em>tem>;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e...

分类:税收协定 时间:20051121

42. 中华人民共和国政府和瑞士联邦委员会关于对所得和财产避免双重征税的协定(附英文) [9%]

...vices 1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>r...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

43. 中华人民共和国政府和哈萨克斯坦共和国政府关于对所得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定(附英文) [9%]

...br&g<em>tem>;  1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

44. 中华人民共和国政府和阿尔巴尼亚共和国政府关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定(附英文) [9%]

...  1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18,19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

45. 中华人民共和国和卢森堡大公国关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定(附英文) [9%]

...vices 1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>r...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

46. 高新技术企业认定及优惠 [8%]

...i9001 19 模拟锁相环 Zi050 20 多中继系统时钟芯片 Zi9041 21 AAL5-SAR处理器 Zi8234 22 单晶硅片系列产品 CZ-Si-N- 杭州海纳半导体有限公司 23 CZ-Si-N- 24 CZ-Si-N- 25 CZ-Si-N- 26 CZ-Si-N- 27 CZ-Si-N-

分类:专家答疑 时间:20050914

47. 卢森堡[LUXEMBOURG] [8%]

...\&quo<em>tem>;&g<em>tem>;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Subjec<em>tem> <em>tem>o <em>tem>he provisions of Ar<em>tem>icles 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21, salaries, wages and o<em>tem>her similar remunera<em>tem>ion derived by a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e in respec<em>tem> of an employmen<em>tem> shall be <em>tem>axable only in <em>tem>ha<em>tem> Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e unless <em>tem>he employmen<em>tem> is exercised in <em>tem>he o<em>tem>her Con<em>tem>r...

分类:税收协定 时间:20051121

48. 焦作市人民政府关于印发焦作市2006年黄沁河防洪预案的通知 [7%]


焦政文[2006]43号 分类: 时间:20060511

49. 法国[FRANCE] [7%]

... Ar<em>tem>icle 21O<em>tem>her Income&nbsp;&nbsp;1. I<em>tem>ems of income of a residen<em>tem> of a Con<em>tem>rac<em>tem>ing S<em>tem>a<em>tem>e no<em>tem> deal<em>tem> wi<em>tem>h...

分类:税收协定 时间:20051121

50. 上海市国家税务局 上海市地方税务局 上海市财政局关于认定上海市文化娱乐行业协会等66家单位非营利组织免税资格的通知 [4%]

...ng: an<em>tem>ialiased; whi<em>tem>e-space: inheri<em>tem>;&quo<em>tem>; wid<em>tem>h=&quo<em>tem>;151&quo<em>tem>; heigh<em>tem>=&quo<em>tem>;19&quo<em>tem>;&g<em>tem>;2017.1.1-2021.12.31静安区税务局

沪国税发[2018]19号 分类:上海市税收政策法规 时间:20180322