查看全部 国家法规(197) 答疑库(1) 地方法规(51) 其它法规(2) 其它(1)
赣国税营改增办发[2016]48号 分类:江西省税收政策法规 时间:20170612
青国税发[2017]94号 分类:山东省税收政策法规 时间:20180516
税总发[2017]101号 分类:税收征收管理 时间:20170921
财会[2017]309号 分类:??????????????? 时间:20170406
...ows: Article l Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1.This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or o...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
...ows: Article l Personal Scope This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States. Article 2 Taxes Covered 1.This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or o...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101
国家税务总局贵州省税务局公告2018年第26号 分类:贵州省税收政策法规 时间:20180919
国家税务总局贵州省税务局公告2018年第26号 分类:贵州省税收政策法规 时间:20180919
沪国税函[2017]105号 分类:上海市税收政策法规 时间:20171220
... Article Ⅰ Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Agreement shall be amended as follows: "1. The existing taxes to which this Agreement shall apply are: (a) in Finland: (i) the state income taxes; (ii) the corporate...
分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101