
查看全部 国家法规(80) 答疑库(7) 地方法规(7)

71. 国家税务总局关于高新技术企业如何适用税收优惠政策问题的通知(附英文) [12%]

...TERPRISES  (State Administration of Taxation: 29 June 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 151)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the tax bureau of various cities with independent planning and variou...

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

72. 国家税务总局关于消费税若干征税问题的通知(附英文) [11%]

...MPTION TAX  (State Administration of Taxation: 26 May 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 130)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent planning...

分类:消费税 时间:20000101

73. 国家税务总局福建省税务局关于防范新型冠状病毒传播的办税提示 [11%]

...页面:  https://youhui.95516.com/hybrid_v3/html/help/download.html?code=62135  (2)云闪付下载页面二维码  3.商业银行  可通过各商业银行的手机银行APP或微信公众号选择相应功能模块进行缴纳。  此外还可通过闽政通APP、e福州...

分类:福建省税收政策法规 时间:20200204

74. 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则第七十二条有关项目解释的通知(附英文) [11%]

...istry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. 29July 1994, Coded Cai Shui Zi[94]No. 051)  Whole Doc.  To the financial departments (bureaus) of various provinces,autonomous regions, municipalities and cities with independent planning,to various s...

分类:外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 时间:20000101

75. 国家税务总局关于境外团体或个人在我国从事文艺及体育演出有关税收问题的通知(附英文) [11%]

...IN CHINA  (State Administration of Taxation: 21 April 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 106)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and cities with independent  planning,  to

分类:综合税收政策 时间:20000101

76. 国家税务总局关于印发《增值税一般纳税人申请认定办法》的通知(附英文) [11%]

...AX PAYER  (State Administration of Taxation: 15 March 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 059)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent plann...

分类:增值税 时间:20000101

77. 国家税务总局关于医疗、教育行业外商投资企业税务处理问题的通知(附英文) [11%]

...NAL TRADES  (State Administration of Taxation: 4 July 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 152)  Whole Doc.  To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the tax bureaus of various cities with independent planning ...

分类:税收征管 时间:20000101

78. 与香港的劳务开发合同 [11%]

... 联系人: 开户行: 帐号: Swift code: 地址: 鉴于甲方希望乙方提供技术托管服务,乙方愿意向甲方提供有关技术托管服务和其它相关技术服务(以下合并称为"技术服务")经友...

分类:专家答疑 时间:20081104

79. 新疆维吾尔族自治区地方税务局关于纳税人识别号问题及补充规定的通知 [10%]

...——1995 中华人民共和国行政区划代码 Codes for the administrative divisions of the People’s Republic of China 1995 06 21 发布 1996 02?01 实施 国家技术监督局发 布 新疆维吾尔自治区部分GB/T2260——1995 表31 新疆维吾尔自治区...

新地税征[1996]16号 分类:新疆税收政策法规 时间:20060401

80. 财政部 国家税务总局关于调整城镇土地使用税有关减免税政策的通知 [10%]


财税[2004]180号 分类:城镇土地使用税 时间:20050114